As an independent family owned business Rein Medical develops and produce soft- and hardware solutions in the area of medical IT. To their customers they offer a wide range of hardware, software and infrastructure as well as a large number of services and additional products – all from one source.
Since their foundation in 1994 up to today, they have turned out to be recognized specialists for OR inegration. Together with their customers they realize complex structured projects.
Within those they are fully responsible for the entire workflow: starting with computers and displays, considering for example the DICOM connect and ending up with a central video management for clinics and hospitals.

They have been always been fascinated by technology. The immense variety of possibilities within the medical area, enabled by today’s IT, drive them to think of new solutions to meet their customer’s needs every day.
As a team, all members of the Rein Medical family ensure the innovation capacities of our company. Therefore, they will always will be a competent partner for medical IT.